Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Running of the (Nola) Bulls 2013

Running of the Bulls...by far one of my favorite events of the year.  What's not to like?  You rise with the sun, start drinking with breakfast, and head to an empty downtown to get chased by a bunch of roller derby girls with plastic bats.  It's sister run in Spain might feature the 'real' bulls, but like I've written in previous years, some of these girls are harboring some serious pent up anger, making them only slightly less dangerous than the real thing.

It's impossible not to have a good time.  And as usual, people around here take this event seriously.  People get dressed up.  They spend time and money to look the part.  Curious onlookers and tourists have no idea what to make of the thousands of people running by, all getting spanked with plastic bats.  

This is the 7th year they have done this event, and apparently they have even started to do it in some other places (about time)...  But in typical New Orleans fashion, we take the party to another level.  I would be very curious to know exactly how many people "run" this thing...I would estimate it's upwards of 10,000.  

If none of that sounds like fun to you, then clearly this isn't your thing.  But like most other locals, we don't need much of an excuse to party.  And party we did.  Check out the pics below, and as usual, if you have more info and/or see yourself in a pic and want a copy, just leave a message in the comments below.  Enjoy!

You see what I mean?  Check out that windup... 

No words...

Romeo, the beautiful Parrot.  She is 24 years old, and will probably outlive me.  

Yes, this is a family friendly event!

My favorite headdress of the day.  Creepy, yet creative.

Dane doin' his thing.  Check out his shots here.


Yep, a porta-potty selfie. 

Barcadia...if you want a better arcade setting in a bar, or bar in an arcade setting, you're not gonna find it.

Yes!  If you grew up in the 90's, tell me you don't remember this game...thank you Barcadia. 

So long from Running of the Bulls!  Next up, the Red Dress Run!


  1. GREAT pictures, kudos

  2. Fantastic shots! It made up for having to miss it this year. Thank you so much for sharing your photos!

  3. Thanks for sharing!! My friends and I are in a few pics and I would love to get some prints. Please e-mail me for info. Drallion2@gmail.com. :)
