Who doesn't love a good movie trailer? Most times they're better than the movie itself, and I'm sure that's the going to be the case with a few of these movies below. But with so many bad movies coming out every week, its reassuring to see some with promise. Here are a few I'm looking forward to in the next few months, in no particular order:
Dark Shadows
Johnny Depp and Tim Burton. Let's hope this makes up for the last few duds.
Iron Sky
Seventy years ago the Nazis built a space station on the dark side of the moon and have been hiding there ever since. Now they are coming to finish what they started. This is going to be a must see.
To Rome with Love
Woody Allen. Rome. Great cast. Good enough for me.
Not what I was expecting. I'm sure you've seen the trailer by now, but in case you haven't, watch this.
Snow White and the Huntsman
Two words: epic perfection. I'm looking more forward to this movie than any other. It looks incredible. I've always thought they should go back and make all the original fairy tails really dark and R rated- you know, how they were originally intended. This looks to have done just that. Oh, and who better to play the evil queen other than Charlize Theron? Yes, please.
And because it looks so awesome, here's another one:
Sorry, but if you're intrigued by the first two then you'll definitely want to watch this sneak peek:
Moonrise Kingdom
About time for another Wes Anderson movie. He is one of my all time favorite directors and I hope he never stops doing what he does. As usual, the cast is amazing...give me anything with Bill Murray and Jason Schwartzman and I'm there.
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Changing pace a little, this looks great. Great to see stop motion movies are still in, even though it is in 3D...
This. Looks. Insane. Can't wait to see this on the BIG screen. You need to watch this in HD.
The Dictator
Let's hope this is a little more Borat and a little less Bruno.
The Dark Knight Rises
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Who doesn't love a good historical fiction? I just hope the do this movie justice without going too far over the top. We'll see... Also, it was filmed in New Orleans.